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Your Ultimate Resource for SAT Prep Tips, Study Strategies, and Educational Insights

Digital SAT Test Basics
A digital SAT test, also known as the DSAT, is now the norm here in the United States as it...
by admin2022-03-01

3 Tips to Decide Which College is Right for You
Choosing where to go to college can be overwhelming. Maybe you’ve wondered how to choose the right college or wondered...
by Cristina Moyer2022-02-17

8 Black History Month Books to Read in February
February is Black History Month, a special time set aside to celebrate and honor Black Americans past and present. We’ve...
by admin2022-02-10

SAT Math Vocabulary Terms to Know
You will find some math vocabulary on the SAT: words that may sound familiar and whose meaning may be the...
by Megan Johnson2022-02-03

Do Colleges Prefer the SAT or the ACT?
Millions of students take the ACT or SAT globally each year. Hundreds of articles detail the similarities and differences between...
by Megan Johnson2022-01-13

How to Read for Fun Again (And Why It’s Important)
Reading for fun may be one of the most underrated and procrastinated items on your to-do list. You’ve been told...
by Megan Johnson2022-01-11